Lots of new info on the FAQ's page!
Pirates Den Cane Corso
Mark, Jennifer & Matthew Messer
ph: 910-538-6422
Pirate's Den Cane Corso is owned and operated by Mark, Jennifer and Matthew Messer. We all play an active role in our kennel.
Matthew is 12yrs old and has been the Show Handler for our dogs since the beginning. He manages to fit his love of his dogs in between school, baseball and football. It helps that he gets to sleep with at least one if not two (normally) different dogs every night. LOL.
Mark is the problem solver (Thank you Honey), chauffeur, bell hop and everything else in the background that doesn't get a lot of recognition. He keeps the fences, kennels, crates and whatever needs repairing or building going. He's been my best friend for 27 years. I will never be able to repay him for his patience with my passion for dogs, whether it was me rescuing or rehabilitating and now breeding.
I have been an animal lover my entire life. As a child I was raised with horses, goats, ducks, dogs, cats, you name it. Animals have been such a wonderful part of my life. I have been involved with Mastiff rescue for many years. I am normally the one to train the dogs in obedience, as well as handle them in the bite work. I give the pedicures (no clippers for my babies, dremel only!), bathe and track health records.
We hope that as you browse our site, you can see the love and enjoyment our dogs bring to us. We are not just breeding dogs to make a profit. We chose to breed because we believe that we can contribute positively to this wonderful breed. If we can educate one person in the importance of breeding for stable temperament, we will have accomplished my lifelong goal. The "True Cane Corso" is such a special animal that once you experience them your life will never be the same.
Our dogs have given us so much more than we've given them, that we will forever be indebted to them. Hopefully, you will find that special puppy that can give to you what ours give to us!
Mark, Jennifer and Matthew Messer
We believe that dogs need a purpose for being and we strive to help them find the work that satisfies each individual dogs's needs. We believe that in order to be a confident family member our dogs need to feel like they earn their place in the home. We work our dogs in Personal Protection, Obedience and Conformation. Our goal is to breed a Cane Corso that will be a positive addition to the Corso world.
Pirates Den Cane Corso
Mark, Jennifer & Matthew Messer
ph: 910-538-6422